Hi Keith,

Am 31.12.20 um 04:43 schrieb Keith N. McKenna:
> On 12/30/2020 7:17 PM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>> Hi Keith,
>> Just did a quick test with AOO 4.1.9 on Windows 7.
>> Clipboard works as expected for me.
>> Regarding the locked files, did you edit bootstrap.ini after "setup /a" 
> No simply did setup /a and it installed it with the profile in the same
> folder.
That may be the problem, you have to change the bootstrap.ini, otherwise
you use the wrong AOO profile.
>> I will do some more tests (next year) with multi install on Windows 10.
> Thank you Matthias. I will boot up my old windows 7 machine and try
> testing it there as sell

I now tested on Windows 10 with multiple AOO installations (4.1.8,
4.1.9, 4.2.0) and could not see a regression.

@all: Maybe some other can also test? I don't feel comfortable if we are
only two persons...



> Regards
> Keith
>> Regards,
>>    Matthias
>> Am 31.12.20 um 00:59 schrieb Keith N. McKenna:
>>> On 12/28/2020 5:11 AM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Am 27.12.20 um 14:49 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
>>>>> The AOO419 branch has been created.
>>>>> The version numbers, et.al. have been bumped.
>>>>> The Release Status page has been cloned: 
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.9
>>>> First test builds for Windows are available at:
>>>> https://home.apache.org/~mseidel/AOO-builds/AOO-419-Test/
>>>> Regards,
>>>>    Matthias
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>>> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@openoffice.apache.org
>>>> Attached is my QA report for 4.1.9 based on Matthias's 2020-12-29. I
>>> would appreciate someone checking the issues I point out as I have been
>>> experiencing occasional oddities with my system of late.
>>> Regards
>>> Keith

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