On 17/12/2020 Carl Marcum wrote:
I think I've fixed the blank pages problem in the Developer Guide.

...and I think I've read all the MWiki-related mails sent to this list by now, so I'll answer!

Thank you guys for fixing the long-standing bug.

I documented, back at the time, the MWiki setup in the infrastructure repository (access restricted):
This may be useful to know for people who have server access - look into "services".

This is just a beginning though (hopefully!), as the "Andrea's mail" from 2019 that was found by Matthias was indeed a plan that still holds. Most importantly, we'll need to update the Mediawiki engine to a more recent version and update all third-party plugins on one side, and our custom components (skin, custom extensions) on the other one. And this time I'd like the entire process to be automatically tested and to have a less painful process for the local environment setup - as we'll want to test everything locally first.

It's going to be a lot of work, but feasible - the aim is also to make infrastructure modernizations that will allow us to update much more easily in future.

I'll catch up with server changes and then I'll post an updated plan in early January, which means next week.


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