After spending a few hours poking around I have some ideas on where I can make the biggest impact given my background.

Multi-threading/Concurrency: This is one of my bailiwicks. Correct me if I'm wrong but it appears that concurrency support was removed when Mac OSX dropped support for standard  concurrency APIs. I saw that all the concurrency APIs were gutted in semaphore.h and mutex.h.  Unfortunately replacing them with the OSX GCD (Grand Central Dispatcher, how cute) and dispatch queues won't fill the porting bill. I would like to look into ways to implement semaphores, mutexes,etc. so we can fill this gap. Might still be able to use dispatch queues for threading.

I have a pretty good background in threading and concurrency. For example, way back I needed to port some threaded unix code to an OS that had no support for threads or concurrency so implemented my own light-weight threads and concurrency primitives. For atomic operations I used a assembly-level compare and increment command. I was so proud of it I started writing an article for Dr. Dobbs, a big programming mag at the time. While I was so engaged, someone else beat me to the punch. Rats.

Architecture Documentation: It appears to be in need of major updating. I haven't seen anything updated in the last 10 years. I would like to update it as much as I can, at least WRT the modules I touch.

What do you think?

Sorry for bloviating.

BTW, this is fun.


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