Am 13.12.20 um 19:51 schrieb Marcus:
Am 12.12.20 um 17:57 schrieb Volker Höhfeld:

before sending an answer to the author:

der Computer sagt nach dem herungerladen,

Aphe_OpenOffice_4 Image nicht anerkannt.

In English:
After the download the computer says,
Aphe_OpenOffice_4 Image not found

I've no clue about Mac but is this an indication for the Gatekeeper problem that is mentioned in the release notes? Or is it actually a different problem?

please, can someone with Mac experience tell whats the probleme here?



*Problembeschreibung*     *Ersetze diesen Text und beschreibe das Problem

(Was funktioniert nicht? Was wird erwartet?)*
*Browser Variablen*     *Werte*
navigator.appCodeName     Mozilla
navigator.appName     Netscape
navigator.appVersion     5.0 (Macintosh)
navigator.platform     MacIntel
navigator.oscpu     Intel Mac OS X 10.16
navigator.cpuClass     undefined
navigator.product     Gecko
navigator.productSub     20100101
navigator.language     de
navigator.browserLanguage     undefined
navigator.userLanguage     undefined
navigator.systemLanguage     undefined
navigator.userAgent     Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.16;
rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/83.0

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