> On Dec 13, 2020, at 10:43 AM, Marcus <marcus.m...@wtnet.de> wrote:
> Am 13.12.20 um 18:46 schrieb Dave Fisher:
>>> On Dec 13, 2020, at 7:37 AM, Pedro Lino <pedro.l...@mailbox.org.invalid> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Dave, all
>>>>> On 12/13/2020 12:32 PM Dave Fisher <wave4d...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> The event banner is something the ASF wants on all websites.
>>> Agreed. But if there is no event to be announced there is no need to keep 
>>> the banner until there is a new one, right?
>> This pandemic year has been unusual. If we comment it out then we have to 
>> know when to uncomment.
> I think Pedro suggested to put a comment before the code part that is 
> controlled / filled from outside of our project. Then everybody can see what 
> is coming from us and from other parts of the ASF.
> BTW:
> Here is the linked graphic:
> /.../git.ooo-site/assets/footer.html
> Just put the comment at the top of the file and thats it.
> My suggestion, extended from Pedro's text:
> <!--- The content and graphics that are linked in this file are managed by 
> the ApacheCon Committee and Community Dev. For any changes please get in 
> contact with them via: d...@community.apache.org —>.

The ASF logo is handled by “Central Services” which is part of press@. I would 
like to have a “resolution” to Pedro's email to dev@ first to make sure we put 
the correct comment into the footer code. BTW - that comment will then appear 
on every page in openoffice.org <http://openoffice.org/> if anyone looks.


> Marcus
>>>> I agree it is outdated. This graphic is controlled by the Apachecon 
>>>> committee and Community Dev.
>>>> A note to d...@community.apache.org should be sent requesting an update.
>>> I will do that. Thank you for the address
>>> I still think there should be a comment in the footer HTML, something like
>>> <!--- This file is only to be edited by the Apachecon Committee and 
>>> Community Dev. Changes/Updates must be requested to 
>>> d...@community.apache.org --->
>> Let’s wait until you get an answer from your email.
>> The graphic is changed for each event as planned, and we would normally do 
>> nothing.
>>> Is it acceptable that I send this suggestion in the same email?
>> Just state your issue and see the response. I’ll be paying attention and 
>> will ping.
>> You might find this page interesting: 
>> https://whimsy.apache.org/site/check/events
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