
I am replying as I proposed PR #109.

thank you Mechtilde for your review.

On Sun, Dec 06, 2020 at 01:57:50PM +0100, Mechtilde wrote:

> Hello,
> i was asked to text the PR 109 https://github.com/apache/openoffice/pull/109
> I tried to do it under Debian 10.
> gcc 8.3
> java 11
> I didn't have a running system wizh gcc >=7 and Java 8
> I get this error message
> compile-bj:
> /home/mechtilde/openoffice/main/saxon/unxlngx6.pro/misc/build/src/build.xml:385:
>  warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to
> build.sysclasspath=last
> ; set to false for repeatable builds
> Compiling 834 source files to
> /home/mechtilde/openoffice/main/saxon/unxlngx6.pro
> /misc/build/src/temp/j/classes
> warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with
> -source 1.4
> error: Source option 1.4 is no longer supported. Use 6 or later.
> error: Target option 1.4 is no longer supported. Use 1.6 or later.
> /home/mechtilde/openoffice/main/saxon/unxlngx6.pro/misc/build/src/build.xml:385:
> Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
> Total time: 2 seconds
> dmake:  Error code 1, while making
> './unxlngx6.pro/misc/build/so_built_saxon'

For what I can understand, Saxon is written in Java, and the PR should
not address any Java-related modules.

If you can build the current trunk successfully, I can merge the last
changes into the PR branch so you can take advantage of them.

Otherwise, I am open to suggestions on how to fix this problem.

Best regards,


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