
For the second day, I propose to arrange an opportunity to invite people
to a conversation as at a booth.

We can use the video conference room as we did for the anniversary.



Am 28.11.20 um 22:43 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
> Good news: FOSDEM organizers decided to allocate an entire day for
> Apache OpenOffice next year.
> https://fosdem.org/2021/schedule/tracks/
> It is now tentatively scheduled for February 6th, online, free
> attendance; talks will have to be pre-recorded.
> I see this as an opportunity for a larger-than-usual gathering, since
> it's online and everybody will be able to attend and talk. An own
> devroom means an entire day available for Apache OpenOffice talks, so it
> will be an occasion for many people to speak and I encourage everybody
> to apply (a call for talks is coming by next weekend).
> Of course I had restated the availability for a shared Open Document
> Editors devroom, but apparently the logistics this year allowed
> organizers to give us a dedicated event.
> More news as soon as FOSDEM organizers distribute them.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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Mechtilde Stehmann
## Apache OpenOffice
## Freie Office Suite für Linux, MacOSX, Windows und OS/2
## Debian Developer
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