On 20/11/2020 Marcus wrote:
the last mail seems to be from June 2020 [1]. Do you really think that deleting the mailing list is a disservice? ;-)
For me it's obvious that there is no longer a purpose.
[1] https://lists.apache.org/list.html?general...@openoffice.apache.org:2020-6

This is not a very important indicator: if you look at the Italian mailing list, traffic is just occasional in certain periods, but new releases are announced and when I needed a volunteer to help with website translations for 4.1.8 I promptly found help there. So the list is still useful while it may well happen that in a given month it doesn't receive messages.

Shutting down a list breaks a link between some (many?) users and the OpenOffice project. If, instead, we switch the list -and other low-activity lists- to "members only" mode, the moderator will have just minimal activity and conversation can be started at any time (and of course new members can join by self-subscribing as usual).

Note that I'm also writing this as moderator of a couple lists: I would definitely be for switching them to "members only" to limit the amount of useless mails delivered to the moderator. The current model doesn't improve communication at all over the "members only" model.


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