On 21 Aug, Pedro Lino wrote:
> Hi Don
> I edited by hand (because it was just one line on two files). I still don't 
> know how to patch.
> Unfortunately it didn't solve the problem (see below)
> Maybe this is related to issues in bootstrap? (which do not affect 42X 
> building) e.g.
> ignoring commons-httpclient-3.1-src.tar.gz because its prerequisites are not 
> fulfilled
> ignoring commons-codec-1.6-src.tar.gz because its prerequisites are not 
> fulfilled
> ----------
> Makefile:966: recipe for target 'libinstall' failed
> make: *** [libinstall] Error 1
> dmake:  Error code 2, while making 
> './unxlngx6.pro/misc/build/so_built_so_python'
> 6 module(s): 
>       extras
>       icu
>       xml2cmp
>       graphite
>       redland
>       python
> need(s) to be rebuilt
> Reason(s):
> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making 
> /source/openoffice/main/extras/source/templates/wizard/bitmap
> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /source/openoffice/main/python
> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /source/openoffice/main/icu
> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /source/openoffice/main/graphite
> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making 
> /source/openoffice/main/xml2cmp/source/xcd
> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making 
> /source/openoffice/main/redland/raptor
> When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build by 
> running:
>       build --from extras icu xml2cmp graphite redland python

Hmn, I don't know about the extras failure, but all of the other errors
are failures to build various third party packages that we bundle. This
should be independent of the CXXFLAGS issue.  More of the output of
  build --from python
might be informative.

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