On 20 Aug, Pedro Lino wrote:
> Hi Dave
>> > Can we update openssl in 4.1.8 at least to the version we use in
>> > trunk/AOO42X?
>> Yes, please.
> Thank you!
>> Have we ever used the system openssl in any of our released builds?
> Does Windows have a system openssl? :)


> Looking forward to a new Linux x64 4.1.8 build (I can't build it with Ubuntu 
> 18.04 :( )

Try patching solenv/inc/unxlng.mk and solenv/gbuild/platform/linux.mk to
add "-std=gnu++98" to CFLAGSCXX.  I recommend doing this for 4.2.0 and
trunk as well.  Newer versions of gcc default to compiling with more
modern C++ standards and spew lots of warnings about old C++ stuff in
our code.  Telling the compiler to use an older C++ standard that is
more compatible with our code base will greatly reduce the

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