Hi all,

Can someone please take over?

Hyeon is very helpful!



Am 28.07.20 um 01:05 schrieb Hyeon Lee:
> Hi,
> I am requesting for a new bugzilla account. 
> My preferred username is “hyeondnl”.
> Thanks for your help. 
> Regards,
> Hyeon 
>> On Jul 28, 2020, at 3:40 AM, Peter Kovacs <pe...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi Hyeon,
>> Can you please answer to this mail (make sure that the request goes to dev 
>> Mailing list.
>> Please state your preferred user name.
>> We have deactivated the self sign in due to spam.
>> All the best
>> Peter
>>> Am 27.07.20 um 15:42 schrieb Hyeon Lee:
>>> ps. Is there a way to use aoo bugzilla? I think it needs an account but i 
>>> think I cannot make it on the webpage.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Regards,
>>> Hyeon
>>>>> On Jul 19, 2020, at 7:29 PM, Czesław Wolański 
>>>>> <czeslaw.wolan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Maybe we should handle that part in a different ticket. The difference
>>>>> (Untitled1 vs. Untitled 1) occurs in several places throughout AOO and I
>>>>> am not sure if a change here would have impact on other part
>>>> +1.
>>>> Additional remarks:
>>>> 1. Bugzilla Issue 95320 (now partly obsolete) provides examples of "The
>>>> difference (Untitled1 vs. Untitled 1)"
>>>>  Of interest therein is also inadequate name displayed when clicking
>>>> "Page Preview" several times.
>>>>  https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=95320
>>>> 2. file "objmisc.cxx", line 242
>>>> https://github.com/apache/openoffice/blob/38b4ec22106f698bc160ab2dfb25a759cf961a7a/main/sfx2/source/doc/objmisc.cxx#L242
>>>> "// => nicht am Doc setzen, da sonst "unbenanntX" daraus wird"
>>>> Please notice "unbenanntX".
>>>> 3. There is another issue about "Untitled".
>>>> In  File - Properties', "General" tab, file name is shown as "Untitled".
>>>> Title of the document window: "Untitled 1"
>>>> Dialog's title: "Properties of Untitled1"
>>>> "File" input field: "Untitled"
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Czesław Wolański
>>>> вс, 19 июл. 2020 г. в 11:13, GitBox <g...@apache.org>:
>>>>> Pilot-Pirx commented on pull request #90:
>>>>> URL: https://github.com/apache/openoffice/pull/90#issuecomment-660613990
>>>>>> Will the bugzilla issue remain open for the Item 3 in the attachment
>>>>> about Untitled1 vs Untitled 1 with a space difference between titlebar and
>>>>> menus?
>>>>>  Maybe we should handle that part in a different ticket. The difference
>>>>> (Untitled1 vs. Untitled 1) occurs in several places throughout AOO and I 
>>>>> am
>>>>> not sure if a change here would have impact on other parts.
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