Hi Rony,

On 7/14/20 10:11 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Hi Carl,

On 13.07.2020 22:07, Carl Marcum wrote:
... cut ...

Currently my Groovy macro is a standalone extension.

We can discuss later after I announce it's information whether it could be 
added to the office at
some point or left as a soon-to-be-popular extension ;)
Could you briefly explain what your extension does (e.g. generically allowing 
the implementation of
UNO classes/components in Groovy)?


P.S.: AFAIK Groovy uses Apache BSF. If so it may be helpful to look at the 
ooRexx ScriptProvider
implementation (which uses Apache BSF and which is based on the BeanShell 
implementation of the
ScriptProvider) in case you have not yet implemented the ScriptProvider part 
for Groovy.

I'm planning a more formal announcement as soon as I finish the Readme's for a couple of these but...

There are a few inter-dependent projects.

The Groovy UNO Extension [1] extends the Java UNO API's with convenience methods for Groovy Extensions and Client apps.
It's documentation is here [2].
It uses Groovy's Extension mechanism to extend the UNO API's.

The OpenOffice-Groovy [3] is the OpenOffice extension to add Groovy to the scripting framework. It is heavily influenced by the built-in Beanshell.
I'm using Groovy's GroovyShell to evaluate the script [4].
It includes the Groovy UNO Extension.
You can get it on Bintray here [5].

The third project is OpenOffice-Groovy-Macros [6] an extension to add a lot of the sample macros included in AOO rewritten in Groovy. Probably more useful copy-paste from github since you can't edit these from the extension like you can with the built-in macros.
You can get it on Bintray here [7].

I plan to add them to the Extension site after I get some more testing done.

I'm also working on an Extension project generator similar to the NetBeans plugin but IDE independent.
Not ready to show that one yet.

I have copies of the 4.1.6 UNO jars for use by Maven, Gradle and Groovy scripts in Bintray [8].

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/cbmarcum/guno-extension
[2] https://cbmarcum.github.io/guno-extension/
[3] https://github.com/cbmarcum/openoffice-groovy
[4] http://www.groovy-lang.org/integrating.html#integ-groovyshell
[5] https://bintray.com/cmarcum/openoffice-extensions/openoffice-groovy#files
[6] https://github.com/cbmarcum/openoffice-groovy-macros
[7] https://bintray.com/cmarcum/openoffice-extensions/openoffice-groovy-macros#files
[8] https://bintray.com/cmarcum/maven

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