Hi Don,

Am 19.05.20 um 19:44 schrieb Don Lewis:
> On 19 May, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>> Hi Don, all,
>> Am 18.05.20 um 23:23 schrieb Don Lewis:
>>> On 18 May, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>>>> Hi Don,
>>>> Am 18.05.20 um 10:13 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>>>>> Hi Don,
>>>>> Am 18.05.20 um 01:26 schrieb Don Lewis:
>>>>>> Looks like someone applied this patch to the FreeBSD port:
>>>>>> --- solenv/gbuild/Tempfile.mk.orig      2019-09-17 22:55:21 UTC
>>>>>> +++ solenv/gbuild/Tempfile.mk
>>>>>> @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ $(strip $(1)
>>>>>>  $(eval gb_var2file_helpervar := $$(shell printf "%s" "" > $(1) ))\
>>>>>>  $(foreach item,$(3),$(eval gb_var2file_curblock += $(item)
>>>>>>      ifeq ($$(words $$(gb_var2file_curblock)),$(2)) 
>>>>>> -        gb_var2file_helpervar := $$(shell printf "%s" 
>>>>>> "$$(gb_var2file_curblock)" >> $(1) )
>>>>>> +        gb_var2file_helpervar := $$(shell printf " %s" 
>>>>>> "$$(gb_var2file_curblock)" >> $(1) )
>>>>>>          gb_var2file_curblock :=
>>>>>>      endif
>>>>>>      ))\
>>>>> Whatever that additional space does, I am doing a Windows build right
>>>>> now with make 4.3.
>>>>> Let's see if that is successful! ;-)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>    Matthias
>>>> My Windows build with above patch applied and make 4.3 was successful!
>>>> I will now downgrade make again and do a new build to ensure that this
>>>> doesn't break backward compatibility.
>> That again was successful!
>>>> Any idea why "someone" did not commit this to trunk? ;-)
>>> I think the patch to the FreeBSD port was committed by the person who
>>> upgraded gmake to 4.3 to unbreak 4.1.7, and the -dev snapshot.
>> I have no idea who that would be, but it would have saved us a lot of
>> time if it would have been committed to trunk instead of a branch.
> The author, Tijl Coosemans <t...@freebsd.org> is probably not an Apache
> committer.
> FreeBSD ports can contain a collection of patches that they apply to the
> official source tarball that are needed to build the ports on FreeBSD.
> When Tijl was doing the work to upgrade the FreeBSD gmake port to 4.3,
> he found that it broke a number of other ports and generated patches to
> those ports to fix the breakage.  Here is the commit:
> https://svnweb.freebsd.org/ports?view=revision&revision=534792

Thanks for the clarification!
Maybe we should have a closer look on that branch in the future! ;-)

The fix is already committed, Jim will take back his configure check soon.



>> From my POV this small patch can be applied, but I'd like to have that
>> confirmed on Linux and macOS.
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