Hi Marcus,

Am 29.04.20 um 00:48 schrieb Marcus:
> Am 28.04.20 um 23:37 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>> Am 28.04.20 um 23:33 schrieb Pedro Lino:
>>>>>>> Any chance the Dev2 can include certification for Windows OS?
>>>>>> No, this costs real money and will only be used for releases.
>>>>> I assume at least the RC will be certified?
>>>>> Yes, it costs money but it needs to be verified at some point
>>>>> before the first official release.
>>>> I doubt it. But you can discuss that with the ASF if you want.
>>> Why should I discuss with ASF? Aren't the members of the AOO PMC
>>> convinced that you should not make experiments with Release
>>> versions? This will be the first AOO version certified. One of the
>>> RCs should be certified to make sure the certification
>>> process/script/steps is correct and that the certificate is
>>> correctly identified at least under Windows 10.
>> If you want that you must discuss that with the ASF if they are willing
>> to pay the costs for "one of the RCs".
> he is already discussing with ASF. ;-)
But with the wrong person...
>> The release will be signed. Thank you for your understanding!
> And when it runs into errors, the first question would be: Haven't you
> tested the signing? The answer would be embarrassing.
> So, lets try it.

I already tested it, but thank you for volunteering!

I will write you a mail with details. (Until now, I was the only one
interested in the Windows Code Signing process)


> Marcus
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