Hi Andrea,

Am 04.04.20 um 18:48 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
> Dave Fisher wrote:
>> I plan to investigate what happens if we map those sub domains.
> I don't think we have an issue here. I mean, if someone writes
> "extension" instead of the proper "extensions" this is just a typo,
> right? By that metric, then we should also redirect "ww" to "www",
> typos like "extentions" to "extensions" and so on. I don't think it is
> worth it.
>> test if a dns change will help. If it will then we can ask Infra to
>> change the dns records.
> No, a DNS change is definitely not the way to go.
> Thanks to the "universal redirect" we have in place to accommodate
> legacy (pre-2011) openoffice.org subdomains, I think we can fix this
> as follows:
> - Right now, the wrong URL "extension.openoffice.org" goes to
> http://www.openoffice.org/projects/extension/ (which does not exist)
> - We simply put something there (and we can do this with a simple SVN
> commit) like:
>   ---
> OpenOffice Extensions: see https://extensions.openoffice.org
> OpenOffice Templates: see https://templates.openoffice.org
>   ---
> and no automated redirect.

That sounds good! Can you set up a simple page?

We can add some graphics afterwards...



> Anything else will lead people to use wrong URLs and distribute them,
> and will make any future changes more complex. This way we still help
> people who write the wrong URL, but we make clear which URL is correct.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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