The ToDo List sounds very interesting. I'm assuming I would also need to
scout up the volunteers to handle the items posted, true? That would
require a little guidance, but not much. I have 30 years experience as
an Administrative Assistant, so coordination would be right down my
experience alley.
True, I am not subscribed, but that's an easy fix.
I'm interested in seeing OpenOffice get back on track in development
since the LO branch-off took so many volunteers, as M$ is taking over
LibreOffice and already has their program dependent upon some of
Windows' parts.
I, personally, would like to see OO developed such that it can run on
any os without any connection to any of its parts, similar to PenDrives,
USB drives, etc. so that an independent (non-MS) os can be developed for
the business world. Being in Germany, you already have experience in
parts of that in several government developments. I would like to see it
all pulled together into on interdependent whole, then placed on top of
an open source os, but fate and time will determine that outcome.
Meanwhile, there is no office software that I can find that can handle a
600-page compilation of text and spreadsheet documents that comprise
modern annual budget reports for large establishments. Microsoft won't
handle files that large without choking on them. None of the other
office packages have the personnel to develop such a package, excluding
LibreOffice, which is now controlled by Microsoft, and even that has no
tabs for word report sections like Excel has spreadsheets, and no
comprehensive office package has a control panel with the capability to
handle all files associated with one project: word, spreadsheet,
database, graphics sales presentations, all of them with sequential
section naming and continuous page numbering such as a comprehensive
report package would require, also capable of sectioning into
responsibility areas so that Finance can have its section printed
automatically from the control panel by pushing one button, as well as
each of the other responsibility sections. But that would be years away,
if ever.
As for the need for such software: consider that China is already
building a high-speed rail system from the top of Africa to the bottom
with a spur to India, as well as a similar system starting at the
Pacific port cities that is projected to end up at the Middle East
ancient King's Highway, where it will connect with a central hub
permitting direct transport from any place on the Eur-Asian continents
to Berlin and Hamburg's ocean port. Can Germany afford to ignore such an
opportunity? Especially when it would be done mainly with volunteer
My personal web-place-holder (it's really only an email portal with a
few freebies on it) is, if you want to check out who I
am and whether you would like to have me in your group. If not, no harm,
no foul. I'm too aggressive and pushy for a lot of people: I understand.
M. A. Hook
California, U.S.A.
On 11/29/2019 12:09 PM, Marcus wrote:
Forwarding as he is not subscribed.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: Are you still looking for excellent English speaker
volunteers for OpenOffice ?
Datum: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 19:48:12 +0100
Von: Peter Kovacs <>
Antwort an:
Hello Mr Hook,
Which announcement are you referring to?
In general we can use people who want to help out.
I think what is working is translation. On web we have no todo list or
a group maintaining it. In this area you would need more initiative.
Can you elaborate your interest a bit maybe?
All the best.
Am 29. November 2019 18:31:37 MEZ schrieb "M. A. Hook"
I'm interested.
M. A. Hook, A.S.M., B.A., M.A.E.D.
California, U.S.A.
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