Am 18.11.19 um 16:34 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
> Accepted and I have now the admin rights. Thanks Raphael. 
> I will check tonight about the new logo.
It looks similar, but has updated icons...
> Am 18. November 2019 12:42:39 MEZ schrieb Raphael Bircher 
> <>:
>> You should have an invitation.
>> Regards Raphael
>> On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 8:24 AM Peter Kovacs <>
>> wrote:
>>> I have send you a friend request.
>>> Maybe that makes it easier.
>>> All the bedt
>>> Peter
>>> Am 17. November 2019 19:59:22 MEZ schrieb Raphael Bircher
>> <>:
>>>> Hi all
>>>> Can you send me your Personal account at FB. It's needed to add you
>> as
>>>> an admin. I was not able to find you in FB.
>>>> Regards Raphael
>>>> On Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 3:45 PM Matthias Seidel
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> And remember, that I have an updated graphic for Facebook [1]
>>>> available
>>>>> for ages.
>>>>> Would be nice if we can change it when you have access.
>>>>> Matthias
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> Am 15.11.19 um 10:06 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
>>>>>> Nope. Sorry did not here anything.
>>>>>> I will try contact him again. Thanks the reminder.
>>>>>> All the best
>>>>>> Peter
>>>>>> Am 14. November 2019 16:51:12 MEZ schrieb Matthias Seidel
>>>> <>:
>>>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>>>> Bumping this topic up...
>>>>>>> I met Raphael at ApacheCon Europe and asked him about the
>> Facebook
>>>>>>> account.
>>>>>>> Did he contact you?
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>    Matthias
>>>>>>> Am 22.08.19 um 08:47 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
>>>>>>>> Hello Raphael,
>>>>>>>> I will contact you on Facebook. Then you can pass the admin
>>>> rights to
>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your efforts in the project.
>>>>>>>> All the best
>>>>>>>> Peter.
>>>>>>>> Am 15. August 2019 13:01:55 MESZ schrieb Raphael Bircher
>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all
>>>>>>>>> I've still the administrator access to the Apache OpenOffice
>> Fan
>>>>>>> Page.
>>>>>>>>> I'm inactive in the project for over a year, and I have no
>> plane
>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> change this in the next time.
>>>>>>>>> So I would like to step back from my admin Roul at the AOO
>>>> Fanpage
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> Facebook. Can someone take over this.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks a load.
>>>>>>>>> Regards Raphael
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