Hello Ariel,

Am 27.10.19 um 08:20 schrieb Ariel Constenla-Haile:
> Hello Mechtilde,

> I committed the change in trunk and cherry-picked this and other fixes
> in AOO418, both build now with gcc 9 so I guess they should build with
> gcc 8, give it a try and let me know. (Didn't have the time to build
> AOO42X yet)

I cherry-picked it in a local test branch for AOO42X too.

Then I tried a build

I doesn't build. It looks for ../8.3.0/utility. There is only ../8/utility

For version 6 there is a link to version 6.3.0 but not for vereion 8.
> Regards

Kind regards

Mechtilde Stehmann
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