Hi Marcus,

Am 28.07.19 um 20:12 schrieb Marcus:
> Am 27.07.19 um 13:45 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>> Am 23.07.19 um 11:08 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>>> Am 21.07.19 um 12:27 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
> Hi Matthias,
>>>> back to the initial discussion.
>>> Obviously you didn't read my mail until the end...
>>>> I have created the request. Simply requesting that trunc, branch and
>>>> tags are moved. All other folders should remain as is.
>>>> I hope this suits everyone.
>>> Do we have the necessary code changes ready?
>>> We use the SVN revision in our About dialog, and for creating the
>>> source
>>> builds. This has to be adapted when we switch to git.
>>> Using the git hash (short or long) instead? This should have been
>>> discussed...
>> Given the lack of response, this has yet to be investigated...
>> Meanwhile my builds on Windows are now done from git. Additionally I did
>> checkout from git on ArcaOS (OS/2) without problems.
>> @Marcus:
>> The switch to git hash (instead of SVN revision) would require some
>> changes in the logic of our download page. Can you evaluate?
> I don't see any real dependency between our download webapge and SVN;
> except with the writen SVN rev. with fixed text on the HTML webpage:
> https://www.openoffice.org/download/index.html
> Release: Milestone AOO416m1 | Build ID 9790 | SVN r1844436 | Released
> 2018-11-18 | Release Notes
> Can you tell me how a Git hash on our pache servers looks like? If
> there is no big difference in size, then it should be a problem.

Exactly! There is a short and a long git hash. Which one we choose
hasn't been discussed yet. We would have to take either one for new
builds and leave the SVN revision for the old builds.

I just wanted to make sure that we think about such topics *before* we
> *But:*
> The biggest change is for the CMS. Does it support also Git? If not,
> then we shouldn't change also the website repo to Git as nobody of us
> (IMHO) can support this change.
As I understand it Peter only wants to switch trunk, branches and tags
to Git, not (yet) the CMS (site and ooo-site).



> Thanks
> Marcus
>>> BTW: My latest builds are based on a checkout from git, no problems
>>> so far.
>>>> Please review:
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-18773
>>>> On 21.07.19 01:42, Peter Kovacs wrote:
>>>>> Hi brane,
>>>>> The threads are linked in my first post.
>>>>> It is for me a workflow thing.
>>>>> I need a decentral versioning system instead of a central one.
>>>>> And I want github as public patch interface.
>>>>> Both do not work with svn.
>>>>> I add a reason that I heard at work. Young people do not know svn.
>>>>> They expect to work with git.
>>>>> IMHO it is  a dumb argument but in my country the fresh people
>>>>> from university are dictating a little their working environment.
>>>>> Ahh and git has major pains reading OpenOffice svn repo. So I
>>>>> can't even use git as a client.
>>>>> All the best.
>>>>> Peter
>>>>> Am 21. Juli 2019 01:17:32 MESZ schrieb "Branko Čibej"
>>>>> <br...@apache.org>:
>>>>>> Hi AOO devs,
>>>>>> I just stumbled onto this thread. Coming from subversion.a.o, I'm
>>>>>> saddened
>>>>>> to see you've decided to switch to Git. Could someone please
>>>>>> summarise
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> reasons for this decision, or give me a link to the discussion in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> mail
>>>>>> archives? I'd very much like to know if it was caused by some
>>>>>> specific
>>>>>> problem or missing feature in Subversion that we may be able to
>>>>>> address.
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