On Sun, 21 Jul 2019, 01:42 Peter Kovacs, <pe...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi brane,
> The threads are linked in my first post.

Thanks ... Sorry I missed those.

> It is for me a workflow thing.
> I need a decentral versioning system instead of a central one.

Which particular "decentralised" feature do you miss most? For example,
there's work going on to implement client-side shelving (similar to 'git
stash'), it's experimental but available in various forms  in the last 3
Subversion (minor) releases

And I want github as public patch interface.
> Both do not work with svn.
> I add a reason that I heard at work. Young people do not know svn. They
> expect to work with git.
> IMHO it is  a dumb argument but in my country the fresh people from
> university are dictating a little their working environment.
> Ahh and git has major pains reading OpenOffice svn repo. So I can't even
> use git as a client.

I assume you mean git-svn? I'm not surprised.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Looks like nothing short of making
svn just another git would make you change your mind. :)

-- Brane

> All the best.
> Peter
> Am 21. Juli 2019 01:17:32 MESZ schrieb "Branko Čibej" <br...@apache.org>:
> >Hi AOO devs,
> >
> >I just stumbled onto this thread. Coming from subversion.a.o, I'm
> >saddened
> >to see you've decided to switch to Git. Could someone please summarise
> >the
> >reasons for this decision, or give me a link to the discussion in the
> >mail
> >archives? I'd very much like to know if it was caused by some specific
> >problem or missing feature in Subversion that we may be able to
> >address.
> >
> >-- Brane

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