Sadly this is not that easy to describe. I have no Idea what you are
good at, or interested in.

If you are not a developer you can still go into a support role. Main
goal would be to attract new devs and keep the active ones motivated.

We have per month one or two people interested with a developer
background. They are usually the follow the order type of people. (Which
we are all are trained for.)

Our development community does not work that way. you are as a volunteer
in the lead. You are setting the goal. OpenOffice is IMHO quit anarchistic.

Still we need support, convincing people to become involved.

Another path I can imagine is, the most recited techie path. It is about
learning what there is to know and fix it yourself.

Matthias on this list for example, was a user when he started with
OpenOffice. He taught himself how to build OpenOffice, and learned all
the tech stuff to make a release.

He is today, one of two very important volunteer that are organizing
releases from the development tree.

The third path I see is building a bazaar.  If we could organize the
users, somehow to crowdfund, we could draw attention from companies that
build software on professional bases. Also we could attract new
companies to this Project. There is an alternative to payed forces, the
companies who today use OpenOffice, if we can convince two to provide
permanent developers / part time developers, we would also win.

I know these are still pretty vague, more like various small visions.
Still, I hope it gives you a picture.

All the best


On 08.04.19 03:51, Gerry Liebling wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Thank you for your comments re. this open issue.  If I wished to elevate 
> interest in this issue, and perhaps encourage that it be addressed, exactly 
> how should I go about it?
>        Gerry 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Kovacs <>
> To: gerry.liebling <>; dev 
> <>
> Sent: Sun, Apr 7, 2019 6:53 pm
> Subject: Is it save to assume that Issue 12219, will not be fixed?
> Hello Gerry,
> The dev <> email list is much better for
> communication then the bug report.
> You have asked the following question in a bug report:
> Is it safe to assume that this issue will not be addressed in the foreseeable
> future?
> Long Story short:
> If the invest stays on the level as is, the answer is yes.
> It is up to the community to make a change. And everybody can make a change.
> There are lots of opportunities to get involved, but nothing that is low
> hanging or quickly done.
> If one wants to become involved it needs some endurance and stubbornness
> to get move.
> This is our biggest blocker in a lot of ways.
> Petko

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