Hi Andrea,

Am 02.02.19 um 09:51 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
> On 01/02/2019 Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>> Matthias Seidel wrote:
>>> Am 31.01.19 um 18:27 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
>>>> I will be there, but with a limited attendance this year, only
>>>> Saturday afternoon. But I'm looking forward to seeing some of us
>>>> there!
>>> I see you have a talk at 18:00:
>>> https://fosdem.org/2019/schedule/track/open_document_editors/
>>> I would suggest that we all have a meeting then?
>> Sure!
> Ahem... unfortunately I won't be at my talk. I missed my flight due to
> train delays apparently caused by bad weather. And, as I had planned
> to only attend this afternoon, it doesn't make sense that I reschedule.
> I'll miss meeting you! I'll still upload the presentation to the
> FOSDEM site so that not everything is lost.

"Funny" fact: I also missed my flight and will only be there on
Sunday... :-0
(I will take a bus over night)

> On the bright side, this means that I will have an unexpected free
> weekend, so I'll be fixing the MWiki issues in queue...

Yes, there was some add-in missing?
Maybe you can also publish the new graphics...



> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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