Hi John,

I am open for an OpenOffice Email Client.

As Markus writes OpenOffice Project would need to start from the
scratch. Maybe reaching out to Thunderbird, Evolution or another email
Project will provide faster results, and is the more efficient approach?
(As Markus suggests)

However if you are determined for an OpenOffice Email client I say you
have to go into the lead. We should do things right and start writing up
all features we need/want.

I suggest we use the user story method. This is a successful design
method and requires only user skill and in our case Wiki tool knowledge.

I think the request for a OpenOffice Mail Client has been placed
repeatedly over time. Maybe if someone starts making first steps in this
direction others step up to support this.

I do not think the work done is lost, even if it does not sky rocket
right away.

To be clear: This is a more year effort. It is nothing to be done just
like that.

Do you accept the Challenge and start writing user stories for an E-Mail
Client in OpenOffice?

I help you getting started.

BTW I found this:


All the best


On 27.01.19 06:26, JD wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> One facet of all this has changed. In keeping with perpetual greed MS
> has copied the cash cow concept adopted by adobe - you don't get the
> program you rent it thus insuring they get your money.
> I loaded outlook and and because I think they are pushing the online
> stuff suddenly my copy no longer functions how about that?
> Thunderbird is pretty barren, and seems to frequently do stuff I don't
> care for examples do not come to mind as this is written....  but the
> $$ angle with MS is the dominant item. Customer needs to be milked.
> Can't express my loathing for that enough.
> Thanks for your comments. Perhaps as MS tightens the wire a new or
> improved client may be in order.
> Kind regards,
> John Diehl
> On 1/26/2019 3:49 PM, Marcus wrote:
>> Am 26.01.19 um 20:55 schrieb JD:
>>> Appreciate your efforts greatly! It just keeps getting better all
>>> the time.
>>> A fabulous addition to your programs would be a mail client. How I
>>> would welcome that. One that has an auto correct built in.
>> OpenOffice had already a mail client (OK; to be more correct, it was
>> StarOffice many years ago). It had a news client, Internet browser
>> and schedular on board. Even an own desktop was included. However, it
>> wasn't successfull. The people have used other programs that were
>> better suited for that and the desktop wasn't well understood.
>> Today there are already good and well-established programs like
>> Outlook and Thunderbird - just to name the most popular ones.
>> Therefore I don't think it would make sense to spend a lot of time to
>> invent all of this from scratch just to have an own mail program in
>> OpenOffice.
>> My 2ct.
>> Marcus
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