
for the translation Process I build successfully under Centos 7 and
Debian 8. Debian 8 builds with openjdk 7

Now I want to build under Debian 9 which become oldstable mid of this year.

I set up the build environment as I did it for Debian8 only with newer
version like newer gcc and newer openjdk (8).

I tried to build the same revision

There the build stopped at basebmp:
~/aoo/main/basebmp/inc/basebmp.packedpixeliterator.hxx:86:23: warning:
left shift of negative value [Wshift-negative-value] bit_mask=~(~0 <<

and so on

I uploaded a screenshot at

If you need more infomation I will prepare that.

Kind regards

Mechtilde Stehmann
## Apache OpenOffice
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## Debian Developer
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