Good luck to you!

This is currently beyond my skill and time I can effort :(

I hope you keep going, Damjan!

On 01.12.18 09:22, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
> Hi
> At least 81 modules (44.26%) successfully build on Win64 now, up from 67
> (36.61%) before.
> At present the build breaks in main/bridges, which I can hack past, but
> then modules like cli_ure and i18npool break, probably because they need
> the missing Win64 UNO bridge.
> This Win64 <-> UNO bridge has to call arbitrary methods, translate
> arbitrary exceptions, etc. between UNO and C++. It has to be written
> predominantly in assembly language, and needs to implement the platform's
> calling convention, deal with its ABI, RTTI, etc. - quite a challenge.
> Wish me luck, or join and help?
> Damjan

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