I confirm the slowly of en forum in this moment.
Italian forum is very quickly after the migration.


Il 01/12/18 07:38, F C. Costero ha scritto:
The en forum is responding very slowly. It took about 5 minutes to load the
page when I tried it just now. All of the other languages responded much
more quickly, loading in a few seconds.

On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 3:30 PM ca.salva <ca.sa...@libero.it.invalid> wrote:

Thank you Dave, for your work and for your patient
answers.Regards charlieInviato da Tablet Samsung.

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Da: Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net>
Data: 30/11/2018  23:03  (GMT+01:00)
A: dev@openoffice.apache.org
Oggetto: Re: R: Re: Forum Migration Status

Hi,Yes, 3.2.4 will come in the future. Hungarian and Japanese are not
available.I can attempt to do these one language at a time, but I’ll need
to work with each NL administrator.Regards,DaveSent from my iPhone> On Nov
30, 2018, at 1:21 PM, ca.salva <ca.sa...@libero.it.INVALID> wrote:> > > >
All good for me too. But I thought I would also find an update to the phpBB
version 3.2.4. Evidently I misunderstood, will it come in the future?> >
-------- Messaggio originale --------> Da: Hagar Delest <
delest.ha...@gmail.com> > Data: 30/11/2018  21:56  (GMT+01:00) > A:
dev@openoffice.apache.org > Oggetto: Re: Forum Migration Status > > +1,
many thanks, that way much better!Did the daily usual things and everything
went smoothly.HagarLe 30/11/2018 à 20:37, F C. Costero a écrit :> Hi Dave,>
Thanks for your efforts! The en forum is significantly faster than it has>
bee recently> Best regards,> Francis>> On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 10:54 AM
Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:>>> Migration has
completed.>>>> The IP address has changed and it may take up to 15 minutes
from now for>> the DNS change to propagate to you.>>>> Regards,>>
Dave>>>>>>> On Nov 30, 2018, at 9:01 AM, Dave Fisher <
dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:>>>>>> Hi ->>>>>> Migration is
started.>>>>>> Regards,>>> Dave>>>>>>> On Nov 29, 2018, at 6:50 PM, Dave
Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:>>>>>>>> Hi ->>>>>>>> The forums
will be down from 9AM - 11AM PST (17:00-19:00 UTC) for VM>> switchover.>>>>
Regards,>>>> Dave>>>>>>>>> On Nov 27, 2018, at 3:33 PM, Dave Fisher <
dave2w...@comcast.net>>> wrote:>>>>> Hi Hagar and forum
users/admins,>>>>>>>>>> https://forum-test.openoffice.org/ <
https://forum-test.openoffice.org/>>>>>>> (1) Attempt to use newest phpBB
3.2.4 which works with php 7. I’ve>> examined the code and it looks
right.>>>>> I dug further and language packs for Hungarian and Japanese are
not>> available. I think that we need to look into this carefully before
we>> migrate to 3.2.4.>>>>> Also, new have subsilver2 theme installed. It
does not look like we>> use it, but it is not offered for 3.2.4. We will
need to do more careful>> testing of all of the language
forums.>>>>>>>>>>>> (2) If (1) is difficult then we will downgrade to php
5.>>>>> I chose to have Infra downgrade PHP to version 5.6. Thanks Chris>>
(fluxo)!>>>>>>> (3) Sync up from current forums.>>>>> Synced up files,
avatars and databases. I will need two hours to do>> this either late
Thursday or early Friday.>>>>>>> (4) Add warning about migration downtime
to current production.>>>>> I think you did this
sufficiently.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (5) Create a blocking httpd configuration
for during the migration>>>>> I think I will just stop apache
httpd.>>>>>>>>>> (6) Community Testing.>>>>>>>>>> Please start
testing!>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>> Dave>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 27, 2018, at 12:15
PM, Hagar Delest <delest.ha...@gmail.com>> <mailto:delest.ha...@gmail.com>>
wrote:>>>>>> Top posting>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dave,>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks, that
sounds a good plan, especially providing a plan B!>>>>>> I've added you as
admin for both English forums (standard and test>> boards).>>>>>> I've sent
you by PM (in the regular forum) the list of the native>> language
admins.>>>>>> I'll try to monitor the list and the forum more closely
during>> daytime (France time) in the next few days, just in case.>>>>>>
Note that acknak has also admin rights on the board, he's in the
US.>>>>>>>>>>>> Hagar>>>>>>>>>>>> Le 27/11/2018 à 04:12, Dave Fisher a
écrit :>>>>>>> Hi ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Further status and plan.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The remaining issues involve phpBB 3.0.9 use of a function>> deprecated in
php 5 and absent in php 7.>>>>>>> (0) Given information requested in the
last email.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tomorrow ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> (1) Attempt to use
newest phpBB 3.2.4 which works with php 7. I’ve>> examined the code and it
looks right.>>>>>>> (2) If (1) is difficult then we will downgrade to php
5.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (3) Sync up from current forums.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (4) Add
warning about migration downtime to current production.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (5)
Create a blocking httpd configuration for during the
migration>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wednesday>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (6) Request community
testing>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Friday>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (7) Perform
migration.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>> Dave>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 26,
2018, at 4:10 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net>> <mailto:
dave2w...@comcast.net><mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net <mailto:>>
dave2w...@comcast.net>>> wrote:>>>>>>>> Hi Hagar / Forum
Admins,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We must do a forum migration to new VMs by Friday,
November 30th.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It turns out that many of the errors we had
in June testing are due>> to incompatibilities between PHP 7 and phpBB
3.0.x and 3.1.x. Specifically>> BBCodes use a php method that is no longer
supported in PHP 7.>>>>>>>> In order for me to better perform the migration
I need you to grant>> my ID (dave2wave) full admin rights on both the
current production and also>> forum test.>>>>>>>> Also, please provide to
me the email addresses to each forums>> admins so that I can provide any
setup instructions.>>>>>>>> I am in the San Francisco area and will be
online by 16:00 UTC.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>> Dave>>>>>>>>>>
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