Am 25.11.18 um 13:09 schrieb Pedro Lino:
> Hi Matthias
>>         > >         This means that the program is getting version 
>> information from the server so some communication is passing through...
>>>     >     You did a reinstall without deleting the profile? Probably you 
>>> updated
>>     some dictionary before and AOO just finds them locally...
> You are right. There goes the theory about some communication working :)
> The message (and action required) does not make sense then. If AOO finds a 
> newer version locally then it should use the newer version or at least ask if 
> you want to use the newer version... It doesn't make sense to download it 
> again from the server if it is already installed.
No need to download it again as it is already in your profile. Just add
it by using "Add..."
> Another fix that requires developer time...

If you can find the time? ;-)



> Regards,
> Pedro

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