It is weird.

They checked the logs and since the last log role:

since the last log roll, the 40 box had 3667 hits to aoo415/check.Update and 
the 95 box got 6570


> On Nov 17, 2018, at 8:15 AM, Pedro Lino <> wrote:
> Hi Dave
>> I’ve been on with Infra on HipChat and both servers are the same with the 
>> same content internally,
> But some configuration must be different because one responds to pings and 
> the other doesn't
>> I’m being asked for IP addresses to share so that can see if there is an IP 
>> ban happening. There are circumstances where that would happen in only one 
>> location.
> This happens both at home and at work with different ISPs
> I'm sending my current IP by private email.
> Thanks!
> Pedro
>>> On Nov 17, 2018, at 4:31 AM, Matthias Seidel <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Pedro,
>>> Am 17.11.18 um 11:26 schrieb Pedro Lino:
>>>>> On November 17, 2018 at 9:56 AM Andrea Pescetti <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Another crazy test while at it: you probably know that, if you switch to 
>>>>> the OpenOffice dialog windows in Preferences - OpenOffice - General, you 
>>>>> can open URLs directly from within the application.
>>>> I use that feature daily to edit files in a webdav folder and it does work
>>>>> If you open (File - Open, then paste the URL in the filename field)
>>>>> can OpenOffice successfully retrieve the document?
>>>> No. I get exactly the same error message shown in the Check for Updates 
>>>> dialog
>>>> "Error reading data from the Internet.
>>>> Server error message: ."
>>> I get exactly the same with AOO 4.1.6.
>>> Regards,
>>>   Matthias
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Pedro
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