Hmpf I think I am banned.

I wrote an email to infra.

On 8/18/18 7:53 PM, Peter Kovacs wrote:
I try my best.

However I am not able to access the svn. I can do that with my password right or do I need to use a passkey?

On 8/18/18 5:02 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
Matthias Seidel ha scritto:
Am 17.08.2018 um 07:51 schrieb Peter kovacs:
I have managed to make time on the next weekend's. So I volunteer for Release Manager.  Hope it helps to get this from the table.
If there would be a role as Co-Release Manager, I would volunteer for it.
That said, I believe we should always have a fallback. We all know what
happened when a Release Manager got unavailable.

Good, let's really get 4.1.6 on the radar! Peter: remember to add your code signing key to

The first step is to create the AOO416 branch so that we can cherry-pick patches that must be ported to it. Remember we now have scripts to do it automatically, so just ask in case.

And again, I would be happy to provide the Windows builds.

Yes, the Release Manager role in itself is mostly paperwork and procedures: for OpenOffice most of the actual work goes into producing the builds. I hope Jim can dust off his CentOS 5 and OS X VMs for "just one last time" once again. Once we are OK with build providers, the release is just a matter of coordination.


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