Hi Archie,

Welcome to OpenOffice. I whish you a lot of fun with the Software.

There are lots of possible ways to make your live easier.

I would recommend to use our forums or users mailing list to ask questions on ways what you want to do.

I think there are all the features you do expect, but it is made differently then you might think.

I have quickly exchanged the Postcode and the Miles with a lookup function, I would use. But there is an issue. Can someone else have a look? I do not find what I did wrong.

I loop in users for better support. Sorry, got to go. I am late for work ... :S



On 8/16/18 5:59 AM, Archie Dyno Wizard wrote:
Dear developers! I'm beginning my experience with OpenOffice Calc, and I'm finding a few ugly bugs. First I think I'm too stupid, but then I realize it is a bug that doesn't depend on my knowledge. I have made one bug report about calculating time consumption and using the result in a formula for next cell.. But this mail is not about that. I was trying to find how to make my spreadsheet to fill cells according to previous cell, and finally I've found, that there is no option for that, so I created a long formula based on "IF" logic task. So now when I type a Name in "LOCATION" cell, it automatically recognizes it, and fills following cells "MILES", "POSTCODE", and "PAYRATE". Makes it so much easier, but makes difficult creating and maintaining the formula. So for now my 3-customer formula looks like this: =IF(C371="global stansted";"CM235PU";IF(C371="Mojito";"CM235PU";IF(C371="grafton cambridge";"CM11HE";"-")))
And it is only beginning of my Self Employment.

 So my suggestion is to create an additional AutoFill form where user can make a list of related data in specific columns or rows to fill up multiple cells at the same time.

Thank you very much for such a wonderful opportunity to use a free Office Sofware!!! You guys rock!!!

Attaching a piece of my Spreadsheet that shows  bug in calculation of a "TOTAL INC" column, and the idea about AutoFill...

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Attachment: Spreadsheet-bug.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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