On 04/10/2018 05:32 AM, Miriam Robarts wrote:

> It would be good to have a tool like this, so if I used the same adjective

_Linguist_ can provide a frequency list of every word used in the
document. It won't list synonyms next to each other. Linguist is no
longer maintained, so it might not work with AOo 4.x.  :(

I thought that _Language Tool_ had an optional style checker, but in
looking through the options in September 2017 version, it doesn't look
like it.  :(   Maybe it was for another language.

In theory, _Context Aware Synonym Suggester_ (CASS),  will walk through
a text, suggesting appropriate synonyms, catching "amazingly" and
"amazing" as quasi-duplicates. I've tried it once it or twice, but don't
remember the results.

Those extensions are either in the Apache Open Office extension
repository, or LibreOffice extension repository.
Both Language Tool and CASS are developed on GitHub.


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