Am 25.03.2018 um 17:52 schrieb Marcus:
> Am 25.03.2018 um 17:28 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>> Am 25.03.2018 um 17:23 schrieb Pedro Lino:
>>>> On March 25, 2018 at 12:32 PM Marcus <> wrote:
>>>> I tend to agree but the wording is important. With "official support"
>>>> this would look like as we have built and tested on this platform.
>>>> As we
>>>> haven't done this we should avoid this misunderstanding.
>>>> Instead we can say in a different form that OpenOffice can run on
>>>> reactOS, like:
>>>> "possible alternative to Windows: ReactOS"
>>>> "can be installed and run on ReactOS
>>> Can it be installed on ReactOS? Has anyone verified this? I was
>>> never able to boot a Live ReactOS build of any version even on PCs
>>> that were running Windows XP. It will not boot either on any newer
>>> (Win7 or Win10) certified machines...
>>> If somebody has had any different results with ReactOS and managed
>>> to install OpenOffice, I'm curious to know.
>> Yes, I could install it. And it worked (sort of...)
> ah, great. Then we can add this really to the new sysreq webpage.

AOO has still some problems on their latest build (they test with 4.1.2):

I think we can mention it, but it is far from working smoothly...


> Marcus
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