Hello, Peter.

Thank you for reply and for adding additional info into AOO wiki.

Yes I'm posted on that project is short of developers this time.
I hope that current implementation still will hold several years
because gstreamer-0.10 of long process of skiping this brach
in linux distributibes. 

Maybe during this transition period at least the way to  standalone build 
of appropriate multimedia AOO library will be found if it possible at all.

Unfortunately I suppose I have no enough programming skills
to understand how build system works and the difference between gstreamer-0.10 
and 1.0 API/ABI .


25.02.2018, 12:20, "Peter Kovacs" <pe...@apache.org>:
> Hello,
> I have hoped that you will get a more positive answer then mine.
> I have found no evidence that we have ever worked on an update of
> multimedia Libs in any direction. The only thing I have found is someone
> tried to compile the old 0.1.0 Gstreamer interface on modern systems.
> I think it is unlikely we will see an update in 4.2.0, since there is no
> evidence of a volunteer working on it. Of course we would like to have a
> better solution then we have now.
> In order to advance step by step I have started to collect Information
> of possible solutions. And prepared to collect more Informations where
> maybe another volunteer could start on.
> I have not started any dicusssion, because my limit on driving topics
> has been been reached. If you like you could help collecting the
> informations needed to implement the stuff. If you have programming
> skills you are welcome to try, but I believe it is a challenging Journey.
> My current plan is to reduce all the szuff that makes work on Open
> Office step by step in order to get into a better shape that we can work
> on topics. But currently this is all but in infant state. I welcome any
> help.
> The Point of Interest List I have started you find at
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=67633711
> it collects all sort of topics I think I need look into.
> The Wikipage I have started to collect Information for a new multimedia
> backened you find at
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/new+multimedia+Backend
> I am sorry I could not invest more time in this point.
> All the best
> Peter
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