My assumption is that he wants the information to be embedded in the document, saved with the document, and readable after the document is loaded.

Take a look at OOME ( and read section "Uninterpreted XML Attributes"

This might do what you want.

On 2018-02-16 12:06, Peter kovacs wrote:
Do you want to create an ODS file as an index with additional data,
so you want to be able to add metadata to each file in Open office?
Or do you want to create a new file type that acts like an index to
documents that is stored?

Am 16. Februar 2018 06:08:59 MEZ schrieb Rushna Jabi <>:
I have created OpenOffice plugin. plugin adds Header Footer ans
the document .... I am trying to generate the Logs of every document
time and date, PC-Name ,
Mac ID, IP Address and other information when user classify the
want to add Meta data.

It's easy to maintain in Ms Office there is Custom Xml Part method. I
want to know that how is it possible in OpenOffice.

Rushna jabi

On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 2:52 AM, Andrew Pitonyak <>

I don't know what that means....

How do you add the XML, is it visible? Is it generic?

I vaguely remember that you can attach a custom XML strong as a
to some embedded objects... I don't remember if I discovered this in
OOME.odt or if it is in AndrewMacro.odt and I can't check right now

I don't know if it was saved with the document... I just vaguely
that there was something like that... I think you would need to know
object you added the data to, but this is all a fuzzy memory...

Let me know if this is what you mean and are unable to find it...

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On Feb 15, 2018, at 2:01 PM, Rushna Jabi <>

Thanks for reply.

Andrew, In Ms Office document we can add Custom Xml Part i.e.
related to current document.
we can access also that  information.
please tell me , Is it possible in OpenOffice and how?

Rushna jabi

On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 7:17 PM, Andrew Pitonyak

 The people on this list are not likely to know about me office
 Consider describing the behavior.

 ⁣Sent from BlueMail ​

 On Feb 12, 2018, 7:16 AM, at 7:16 AM, Rushna Jabi

Hi all,
I am working on OpenOffice plugin but I want to add Custom Xml
Part in
OpenOffice like Ms-Office.
please tell me it's possible or not in Openoffice.
if it is possible then, How?

Rushna Jabi
Software Engineer

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