Hi Dave,

Am 11.01.2018 um 20:11 schrieb Dave Brondsema:
> On 1/10/18 6:30 AM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>> Since yesterday (?) SourceForge has a complete new look:
>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/openofficeorg.mirror/
>> While I have to get used to the colors, it feels like the AOO downloads
>> are much more responsive now.
> Glad you like it.  You can get a lot more granularity (e.g. daily or weekly) 
> now
> too.  It used to force you to weekly or monthly stats when you do broad dates.
> And the countries map doesn't use Flash to show those stats any more either :)

Yes, I like the new download graphics, but I thought more of the
download process.
Before it gave me a lot of time outs and "re-captcha not found". This is
gone now... ;-)

Any chance to get your new logo for our website?

Regards, Matthias


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