Am 22.11.2017 um 15:17 schrieb Pedro Lino:
> Hi Matthias, all
>> We have buildbots building 4.1.4 every week...
> In my opinion that is a waste of electric power and computing resources

Well, it is important for the release process, but 4.1.4 is out now...

>> Would it make sense to switch them to 4.1.5?
> That would make a little more sense...
> It should be enough to change the Snap buildbots that are currently still 
> building 4.1.2 snapshots on a daily basis (or so I assume since it is 
> impossible for Apache to details of the files but the page is built every day)
> and

Forget these pages, they are built by a useless script on Apache servers.

Currently all informations about our buildbots can be seen here:

We are building trunk daily/nightly and branch (4.1.4) on a weekly base.
That could be easily switched to 4.1.5 although the naming of the bots
wouldn't change. I could try to get more generic names for them in the

Regards, Matthias

> Regards,
> Pedro
>>     Am 22.11.2017 um 13:31 schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
>>         > > What's the alternative to going to 4.2.0?
>>>         I only test trunk. So it's 4.1.x that lacks testing from me.
>>>         We also really should start running the various tests and comparing 
>>> results
>>>         from trunk against 4.1's.
>>>         On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 2:05 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
>>>             > > > I see 4.1.5-dev as a device for testing whether a bug is 
>>> due to a specific
>>>>             problem. That change is already checked in to the trunk.
>>>>             We still have to decide whether to go straight to 4.2.0. The 
>>>> upside is, as
>>>>             Damjam points out, that we need to get the general benefits of 
>>>> 4.2 out in
>>>>             the field. The downside is that, because of more changes, 
>>>> 4.2.0 has a
>>>>             higher risk of regression. Should 4.2.0 go through field 
>>>> beta-testing?
>>>>             Going to 4.2.0 would simplify my activities. Because of better 
>>>> debug
>>>>             building and on general principles, I do my debug and fixing 
>>>> in trunk. I
>>>>             then have to back port the fixes to the 4.1.x line.
>>>>             On 11/22/2017 2:37 AM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
>>>>                 > > > > Thank you, but when are these 4.1.x releases going 
>>>> to stop?
>>>>>                 We have so much lined up for 4.2.0.
>>>>>                 Damjan
>>>>>                 On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 5:49 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
>>>>>                 I have both macOS and Linux-64bit builds of 4.1.5-dev 
>>>>> (HEAD on the
>>>>>                     > > > > > AOO415 branch) available for fun and games 
>>>>> (and testing) at:
>>>>>>                     I've built all langs but have just uploaded: de, 
>>>>>> en-US, es, fr
>>>>>>                     and ja (for now). Let me know if people want/need 
>>>>>> others
>>>>>>                     uploaded.
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