@Andrea you said if we want to do something we should reach out. So I think 
this might be a thing:

How about creating a project plan, estimates for a budget and then start a 

We could also check if we can staff the team introducing the people to 
interested financiers.
Which dev would be interested in general?

All the best

Am 20. Oktober 2017 17:16:59 MESZ schrieb Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net>:
>Hi Damhan,
>Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 20, 2017, at 12:21 AM, Damjan Jovanovic <dam...@apache.org>
>> I've looked at Apache POI before and even wrote a minimal filter that
>> text cells in Calc to XLSX, see my email on 22 December 2015.
>> Reading OOXML in Apache POI is problematic, we would have to build
>> document tree twice, first in POI, then in AOO, as a SAX-like API is
>> supported, so memory usage would double, and large documents would be
>> problematic. Writing is better, in that there is a streaming API that
>> doesn't use a lot of memory, but formulas might be a problem. I had
>> practical issues in cell iteration APIs I needed that were not
>> over UNO.
>There are efforts to reduce the memory requirements in POI on the read
>side. There is a lot of cross development between Tika and POI. Tika
>has a huge regression set of documents it knows about on the web.
>> Could we get any funding for better OOXML suport?
>> Damjan
>>> On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 6:54 AM, Peter kovacs <pe...@apache.org>
>>> During Apache POI is a cool idea. I will have a look at the weekend.
>I am
>>> in general interested in improving OOXML but I am still very slow in
>>> getting towards dev productivity. ( today is my certificate exam in
>>> initio, when I pass openoffice can move up my priority list again.
>>> Raphael if you are evaluating headless servers, have you tried to
>set one
>>> up ?
>>> Can you do that, and check if the office process crashes at 100% cpu
>>> transformation?
>>> Or write a guide how to setup a server?. I did not manage and I
>would like
>>> to get a bug report in that area tested.
>>> Am 20. Oktober 2017 04:59:33 MESZ schrieb Dave Fisher <
>>> dave2w...@comcast.net>:
>>>> Hi Raphael,
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Oct 19, 2017, at 7:50 PM, Raphael Bircher
>>>> <rbircherapa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dave
>>>>> Am .10.2017, 04:20 Uhr, schrieb Dave Fisher
>>>>>> Hi -
>>>>>> If we can use Java then Apache POI has OOXML support.
>>>>> You mean, use POI as a library in Apache OpenOffice?
>>>> Yes.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Dave
>>>>> Regards, Raphael
>>>>> --
>>>>> My introduction https://youtu.be/Ln4vly5sxYU
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