If I remember it correctly, the last time we had problems with AOO and
macOS (Sierra) it had something to do with the graphics card.
Maybe there is a difference between Robertos mac and all the others?

Just to make sure that it is not the splash screen causing trouble, can
you delete (move away) "intro.png" from the (OpenOffice) program folder?
AOO then normally starts without splash screen.

Regards, Matthias

Am 04.10.2017 um 00:48 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
> On 03/10/2017 Roberto Galoppini wrote:
>> 2017-10-03 19:47 GMT+02:00 Dave Fisher:
>>> What do you have in /Users/<youruser>/Library/Application
>>> Support/OpenOffice/4/user?
>> Nothing, I've simulated a fresh new start.
> I see that you had 4.1.3 installed and it was working correctly. You
> renamed the user profile (to simulate a fresh installation) and
> installed 4.1.4.
> How far do you get when you start OpenOffice? For example:
> - Does the new profile folder get created or OpenOffice dies before
> creating it?
> - Can you see, even for a fraction of a second, the OpenOffice splash
> screen?
> Probably it would be best if you can start OpenOffice from a terminal
> (look for an executable called "soffice"). It should output something
> to the terminal before dying and that will probably give some clues to
> understand what the problem is due to and how common we can expect it
> to be.
> As I wrote in the vote thread: it might be that this bug is not so
> common to be considered a blocker, but if it is not due to your
> particular configuration then we should mention it in the Release
> Notes once it is clarified/explained.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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