Am 30.09.2017 um 21:54 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
I am calling a VOTE on releasing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4-RC4
as GA!!
You can find these gems at:
The vote will last at least the normal 72 hours.
to cut the following story short:
+1 (binding)
And to justify my vote:
1. Binary installation on Windows 10:
- "en-US" full install + "de" langpack
- Checked the sha256 hash values
- About dialog: AOO414m4(Build 9787) - Rev. 1809226 - 2017-09-21 23:35
- Opened some DOC(X), XLS(X) and PPT(X) files
2. Binary installation on Fedora 64-bit
- "de" full install + "en-US langpack checked the sha256 hash values
- Checked the sha256 hash values
- About dialog: AOO414m4(Build 9787) - Rev. 1809226 - 2017-09-21 16:55 -
Linux x86_64
3. SVN source
- Built successful from the SVN source
- Used the "installed" binaries to check the result
- RAT scan showed no problems
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