I am doing my thesis with the topic: Procedure Formalized for the Incorporation of Usability Techniques in the Open Source Software Development Process. Based on the research I am doing I will propose improvements, although I am clear if these recommendations are or will not be considered by you the developers of the project. In any case as part of my thesis, I have to study the OPENOFFICE WRITER source code, please indicate how I identify the module that allows me to make improvements in the OPENOFFICE WRITER User Interface according to my needs. In this link ( I downloaded all the source code of OPENOFFICE but I do not specifically locate what I have to do with WRITER. I ask you to tell me where to start and give me technical information such as, which is developed in C ++ and how should I compile it. I would appreciate your advice to continue my research. In the end I will share the results of my thesis. Eternally grateful Lucrecia