Hello Patti C.,

We save the cost for a toll free technical support number in order to ship the Product for free.
May I ask where you got your copy of Open office from?
Which version of Open Office do you use?

I do not understand the Problem you have. I can open Apache Open Office Draw and set the ruler as I whish.

Why the pressure. ASAP sounds very urgend. Why is that.

Please note this is going over a puplic free for all readable channel.

A copy of every message is released on the Web.

all the best


On 15.05.2017 02:13, Patti C. wrote:
Why is there not a toll free number to call for technical Support?

Why aren't all the proper tools provided which are needed for rulers? at
the top of Draw and on the left hand side of Draw?

Where are the normal measure scale(s) for all rulers provided
which measures 01-25, 01-50, 01-75 0r 01-100 from the left to the right,
for millimeters, centimeters, inches, etc..........?!

Why does it seem the ruler correction(s) are so impossible to make? Do you
want to discourage user(s) so each no longer uses Open Office?

Why are *6* *options* grayed out and made unusable in *Edit*?

Why is it that in* View*-*Input* *Method* *Status* grayed out and made

Why is *Special* *Character* grayed out and made unusable in *Insert*?

*Tools*- Why aren't all *proper* *tools* *provided* to be used, that are
*needed* to *correct* any *error*(*s*)? This *needs* to become a *priority*
to be *corrected* *immediately*.

*Format* - Why is *Default Formatting* grayed out and not made available to
be used?
                 Why is *Position* and *Size* grayed out and made
unavailable to be used?
                 Why is *Crop* *Picture* grayed out and made unavailable to
be used?

*Insert* - Why is Formatting Mark grayed out and made unavailable to be

*Modify* - Why is *Convert* grayed out and made unavailable to be used?
                Why is *Arrange* options grayed out and made unavailable to
be used?
                Why is  *Distribution* grayed out and made unavailable to be
                 Why is *Name* grayed out and made unavailable to be used?
                  Why is *Group* grayed out and made unavailable to be used?
                   Why is *Enter* *Group* grayed out and made unavailable to
be used?
                    Why is *Exit* *Group* grayed out and made unavailable to
be used?
                    Why is *Combine* grayed out and made unavailable to be
                     Why is *Split* grayed out and made unavailable to be
                      Why is *Connect* grayed out and made unavailable to be

These need to be made a priority to be made available to all user(s) to use.

Why isn't there a *download* *bar* on every *Open* *Office* *download* to
let you know when the download(s) have *started*, *downloading* and when
*finished*? This would be greatly *appreciated* by all Open Office users,
I'm sure.

One feature I am appreciative of is the document recovery.

   Time to make a lot of improvements to Open Office so it is much more
effective and simple to use, as well as meeting professional standards.

Do you have a remote screen capability?

Patti C.
902-989-5582 Call Me Please.

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