Jim Jagielski wrote:
On May 2, 2017, at 7:42 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
(Update bundled dictionaries for AOO 4.1.4 release)
+1 as well...
   r1784925 r1784961 r1785175 r1793216
Backported to 4.1.4...

It seems the Bugzilla bot was confused and didn't annotate the issue properly in http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1793492

This is a bit of a mess. I've fixed it in the issue page.

Probably, for next commits, you'd better ensure that "#i127341# Updated English dictionary" (or equivalent) is the first line of the commit, or manually post a comment to the issue as I did.

Note: Ariel is the release manager so the "+" to the blocker should come from him. But since he's been unresponsive on the matter, and this is an obvious blocker, I felt right to go ahead and use my release manager privileges (left from 4.1.2) to mark the issue as a blocker myself.

For other ones like the logo I would suggest a normal process like: the issue is nominated as blocker (set to "?"), consensus is built on the list and if nobody opposes in the standard 72 hours then someone with the right privileges accepts the issue as blocker (set to "+") and then code can be backported.


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