Am 02.04.2017 um 19:25 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
> On 20/03/2017 Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>> I think I can provide
>> proper Linux-64 builds from the AOO414 branch matching the 4.1.3
>> specifications (this won't happen before end of March).
> I've built the current state of the AOO414 branch (again, this is not
> a Release Candidate) for all languages for the Linux-64 platform. I've
> uploaded a few languages for testing purposes to
> If you'd like to test a language that is not there, just let me know
> and I can upload it. Feedback welcome in general: I mean, the
> differences between 4.1.3 and the uploaded build are so small that
> people who know what they are doing could even install this one and
> use it for day-to-day tasks, for more realistic testing.

Hi Andrea,

Indeed, I downloaded your build (German full installation and en-US
language pack) and use it on a daily base.
No problems on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit. For me all crashes are gone.

Additionally I use the 4.1.4 version for Windows (from buildbot) for 2
month now without any issues.

Kind regards, Matthias

>> I can probably setup a VM for Linux 32-bit too, further in April.
> This will need 1-2 more weeks, but the process is fully documented at
> so anyone can take a look if they wish.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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