Hi Dave,

Yes, a certificate would be the first step.

I noticed that the link to "Templates" on
http://extensions.openoffice.org points to
http://templates.services.openoffice.org instead of

I am not sure if these URL with .services should still be used...

Kind regards, Matthias

Am 22.03.2017 um 19:56 schrieb Dave Brondsema:
> On 3/22/17 2:35 PM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> As both the templates and the extensions site don't have SSL
>> certificates I opened an issue with Apache Infra.
>> They say, the sites point to Sourceforge and they can't do anything
>> about it.
>> So can SF add certificates to those sites and enable permanent
>> redirection to HTTPS?
> Yes I noticed this as well, and believe we can set that up.  It'll probably 
> take
> some Drupal work also, to make sure resources are all loaded over HTTPS to 
> avoid
> mixed content warnings, before we can force redirection to HTTPS.
>> Firefox (and other browsers) are beginning to warn users if they log
>> into sites without encryption.
>> Kind regards, Matthias
>> Am 21.03.2017 um 03:37 schrieb Dave Brondsema:
>>> On 3/20/17 3:09 PM, Marcus wrote:
>>>> Am 20.03.2017 um 17:56 schrieb Dave Brondsema:
>>>>> On 3/16/17 4:48 PM, Marcus wrote:
>>>>>> Am 06.03.2017 um 19:25 schrieb Dave Brondsema:
>>>>>>> On 3/5/17 4:38 AM, Roberto Galoppini wrote:
>>>>>>>> 2017-03-04 10:04 GMT+01:00 Marcus <marcus.m...@wtnet.de
>>>>>>>> <mailto:marcus.m...@wtnet.de>>:
>>>>>>>>     Am 03.03.2017 <tel:03.03.2017> um 00:43 schrieb Dave Brondsema:
>>>>>>>>         A few bits I missed addressing on my prior email:
>>>>>>>>                         I have been able to reproduce the error simply 
>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>                         visiting the site and
>>>>>>>>                         clicking on the name of any template, using an
>>>>>>>> incognito
>>>>>>>>                         Chrome window on
>>>>>>>>                         ChromeOS to ensure there are no statefulness 
>>>>>>>> issues.
>>>>>>>>         I can't reproduce it like that.  The example link errors out, 
>>>>>>>> but all
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>         templates I find just browsing around work.
>>>>>>>>                         I've no access to the site so can't investigate
>>>>>>>> further.
>>>>>>>>                         Can someone with
>>>>>>>>                         admin rights investigate please?
>>>>>>>>                     as you know for sure we also have no access to any
>>>>>>>> webpages
>>>>>>>>                     that are
>>>>>>>>                     hosted by Sourceforge. So, we cannot do anything 
>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>>>                     I don't know if somebody ping'ed already 
>>>>>>>> Sourceforge about
>>>>>>>>                     this problem.
>>>>>>>>                     But I'll do it here again.
>>>>>>>>         This community should have access and should be able to 
>>>>>>>> maintain the
>>>>>>>> site.
>>>>>>>>         SourceForge users "aooadmin" and "ipv6guru" are admins of the
>>>>>>>>         https://sourceforge.net/projects/aoo-templates/
>>>>>>>>         <https://sourceforge.net/projects/aoo-templates/> project which
>>>>>>>>         corresponds to the
>>>>>>>>         templates.openoffice.org <http://templates.openoffice.org> 
>>>>>>>> site. 
>>>>>>>> Others
>>>>>>>>         can be added (ideally by those 2 users,
>>>>>>>>         so we at SourceForge don't have verify identities).  
>>>>>>>> Documentation
>>>>>>>> for web
>>>>>>>>         hosting is at
>>>>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/documentation/Project%20Web%20Services/
>>>>>>>> <https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/documentation/Project%20Web%20Services/>
>>>>>>>>  and
>>>>>>>>         I
>>>>>>>>         believe should work fine for the templates site, although we 
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> made a few
>>>>>>>>         specific customizations compared to regular SourceForge 
>>>>>>>> project web
>>>>>>>> hosting.
>>>>>>>>         Same goes for aoo-extensions.
>>>>>>>>     OK, but I've no idea what to do to check and fix such erros? I 
>>>>>>>> think we
>>>>>>>>     still need some help in this case.
>>>>>>>> Dave as you know in past we got that stuff done by a contractor, as you
>>>>>>>> probably
>>>>>>>> remember it's a Drupal application and the community seems to lack the
>>>>>>>> necessary
>>>>>>>> expertise.
>>>>>>>> If you have access to internal skilled resources it would be great if
>>>>>>>> SourceForge could provide help with that, as you can see we're kind of 
>>>>>>>> stuck
>>>>>>>> atm.
>>>>>>> Yeah, I will see if there's anyone here that can help out.  It might 
>>>>>>> not happen
>>>>>>> very quickly though, and in general we support just the hosting and not 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> Drupal/PHP code.  But we want OpenOffice to keep on doing great, so 
>>>>>>> I'll see if
>>>>>>> we can provide any extra help.
>>>>>>> Who has an admin login to the templates site?  I think adding more 
>>>>>>> admins is
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> first step, so people can try to check the permissions & metadata on 
>>>>>>> the bad
>>>>>>> template entries.
>>>>>>> Once someone starts to dig into the code, my general debugging approach
>>>>>>> would be
>>>>>>> to grep the codebase for "Access Denied" and "If you were looking for a
>>>>>>> Template, this means it is no longer available." etc to see what 
>>>>>>> triggers that
>>>>>>> error message.  I also wonder if the codebase is in git anywhere?
>>>>>> Hi Dave,
>>>>>> so, whats up now? Is there any help you can offer? The problem is not 
>>>>>> getting
>>>>>> better.
>>>>> From my last email, I was hoping we could get an Drupal admin login to the
>>>>> templates site.  Who would have that?
>>>> I need to lookup my passwords. Then I can login as admin.
>>> Thanks.
>>>> However, this wouldn't help. AFAIK we have nobody with Drupal knowledge.
>>> I think it will be useful to see what we can see from the Drupal admin side.
>>> Once you're in, could you set my user as an admin?  (username 
>>> "dave-brondsema"
>>> id 241648) Then I can start the process of looking around in there.
>>>> You could tell us what to look for and what to do in cases A, B, C, etc. 
>>>> But
>>>> then it's better when you (SourceForge) do it yourself right away. ;-)
>>>>> Also I'd like to see a better example of where this is failing.  The 
>>>>> example
>>>>> http://templates.openoffice.org/en/node/8382 is the only one I've seen 
>>>>> and could
>>>>> simply mean that template is gone.  What's an example of seeing a 
>>>>> template on
>>>>> the site and then not being able to see its details & download it?
>>>> I don't know of any other better examples. But IMHO there were some mails 
>>>> with
>>>> links in the last days posted to this mailing list. I'm sure they can 
>>>> serve as
>>>> examples. Please have a look for them.
>>> I see two forwarded from Martin Groenescheij.  They seem to be end-user 
>>> issues.
>>> I am able to access and download the template files just fine.  (Sorting &
>>> filtering does have some small usability issues)
>>> An email from Feb 22 reports the problem, but without enough details.
>>> One from Feb 22, mentions a "cBrainpower1.3" template. On
>>> http://openofficeapps.weebly.com/english-downloads.html there is a link to
>>> http://templates.services.openoffice.org/en/template/cbrainpower-13-creativ-learning-made
>>> which has an error message, so that's one I can check in the admin area or 
>>> database.
>>>> Thanks for your help.

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