Hi Raphael,

OK, but source is (atm) not synchronized with Pootle. So it will not be
visible until 4.2.0.

But thanks for the hint! I found:


In the ReadMe the system requirements only mention Windows up to version
8. I would like to add Windows 10.
And "documention" is clearly "documentation". But it is also found in
several other files, a popular typo! ;-)

Is it OK to correct it in source?

Kind regards, Matthias

Am 25.02.2017 um 20:34 schrieb Raphael Bircher:
> Hi Matthias
> Am .02.2017, 17:00 Uhr, schrieb Matthias Seidel
> <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de>:
>> Hello all,
>> There are some glitches in Pootle for the "master" language (EN-US?).
>> (Look out for "documention"...)
> They are in the source. sometimes OpenGrok helps you to find the strings.
> Regards, Raphael

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