Maybe the title is misleading, but this thread is about how to build a developer team that advocates in user interest. Shouldn't we focus on this?
For me MS has nothing to do with the conflict between ASF and Team OpenOffice. I think the core conflict was about market names. They should not have released their own open office, plus they have Open Office in their name. Also I do not believe in Forks. Our main goal should always be to release a next AOO version. Guy Waterval <> schrieb am So., 15. Jan. 2017, 22:39: > Hello, > > I could involve me in Gallery extensions as I'm already active in Wikipedia > in macro/microphotography (User:Softenpoche). > As I'm not a coder, I can not help for other extensions. > > Regards > -- > gw > > 2017-01-15 18:59 GMT+01:00 Dr. Michael Stehmann < >>: > > > Hello, > > > > there are 3 items stated: > > > > - fixing major bugs > > - improving import filters > > - improving and creating new extensions > > > > IMO all 3 points are important. > > > > Topic one and two have to be done by core developers. > > > > Topic three can also be done by others and in collaboration with LO > people. > > > > So IMO we have to discuss, what has to be done in these items. > > > > And how user contributions may help us. > > > > Kind regards > > Michael > > > > > > > -- Disclaimer: Diese Nachricht stammt aus einem Google Account. Ihre Antwort wird in der Google Cloud Gespeichert und durch Google Algorythmen zwecks werbeanaöysen gescannt. Es ist derzeit nicht auszuschließen das ihre Nachricht auch durch einen NSA Mitarbeiter geprüft wird. Durch kommunikation mit diesen Account stimmen Sie zu das ihre Mail, ihre Kontaktdaten und die Termine die Sie mit mir vereinbaren online zu Google konditionen in der Googlecloud gespeichert wird. Sollten sie dies nicht wünschen kontaktieren sie mich bitte Umgehend um z.B. alternativen zu verhandeln.