On 2016-12-20 20:28 (-0800), Damjan Jovanovic <dam...@apache.org> wrote: 
> Hi
> I am busy porting fpicker to gbuild, and needed to test its KDE 4 version,
> and ended up fixing a bug there, and a VCL bug on KDE that stopped AOO from
> starting.
> However we still have this duplicate text issue in the menu, and dialog
> corruption:
> ​
> Any KDE users? Any thoughts?
> Thank you
> Damjan

Mostly, the KDE specific build option is no longer needed. Both KDE and Gnome 
use Freedesktop interfaces now. That interface via VCL may need some tweaking, 
I don't know. When I tried to build with "--enable-KDE" at least 2 years ago, 
it was a bit of a chore due to the overhead of installing the needed KDE 
development stuff. Better to just concentrate on Freedesktop and ditch the KDE 
specific code altogether I think.

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