
Can you elaborate on this?
Do you simply want to know or do you need this as an official statement?
I think you are Query the wrong Project if you need an official response.
Open Office 3.3.1 and older were maintained by Oracle. I am not sure if
Apache Foundation has the right to speak for this time. As libre office we
are a successor to Oracle OpenOffice Project.

This is of course my personal opinion. I am not sure if Apache Foundation
has the same opinion like me on this.

All the best

GAN Kok Leong, Adrian <gan.kokleong.adr...@stee.stengg.com> schrieb am Di.,
20. Dez. 2016, 08:50:

> Hi,
> I would like to find out whether OpenOffice version 3.3 and 3.3.1 is
> developed and comply with Secure Software Development Life Cycle?
> Regards
> Adrian Gan
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> ---ST Electronics Group---

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