Hi! I had the same Problem once. I solved it by adjusting the scrolling properties . There you can set for example if open office should scroll one or more lines. II you it is set to 10 lines it gives you an overshooting feeling . I think I set it to 1. But I am unsure about the exact settings and I am away from my machines until tonight.
Maybe this helps you to have a quick solution. >From the programming side I do not know how we can improve the user experience . Maybe we can add a preference tab at installation one day, where we ask for user preferences. All the best Peter Eugene DeJoannis <gd...@sbcglobal.net> schrieb am Fr., 21. Okt. 2016, 08:50: > > I recently downloaded the new OpenOffice 4.1.3, not long after > installing OS-X 10.12 on my MacBook Air. Under the new Sierra OS Open > Office seems to be > unresponsive to trackpad preference settings. Specifically, it is > super-sensitive to scrolling, which makes it very difficult to find your > place in a document without overshooting. I have set the scrolling > function to low > sensitivity in Sierra preferences, but in continues to be supersensitive > to the > smallest finger movements in Open Office. This was not fixed in the > recent upgrade to OO 4.1.3. Other MAC software does not exhibit this > problem. > Gene DeJoannis > 860-649-9827 > gd...@sbcglobal.net > > The time is always ripe to do right. MLK > > > -- Disclaimer: Diese Nachricht stammt aus einem Google Account. Ihre Antwort wird in der Google Cloud Gespeichert und durch Google Algorythmen zwecks werbeanaöysen gescannt. Es ist derzeit nicht auszuschließen das ihre Nachricht auch durch einen NSA Mitarbeiter geprüft wird. Durch kommunikation mit diesen Account stimmen Sie zu das ihre Mail, ihre Kontaktdaten und die Termine die Sie mit mir vereinbaren online zu Google konditionen in der Googlecloud gespeichert wird. Sollten sie dies nicht wünschen kontaktieren sie mich bitte Umgehend um z.B. alternativen zu verhandeln.