Peter Kovacs wrote:
> Hi,
> I can only make some time for testing on the 8th Okt.  Is that okay if I
> take my vote on this last moment?
As long as it is before 22:00 UTC it should be fine. That is the
earliest that the vote can end.

> Keith N. McKenna <> schrieb am Do., 6. Okt. 2016,
> 19:48:
>> Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 08:10:40PM -0700, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
>>>>> Ariel;
>>>>> In all the builds that I have been involved in with AOO we have
>> included
>>>>> a link to a Bugzilla query for all bugs fixed by that release.My
>> concern
>>>>> was 2 fold. One that it would give a wrong impression to anyone that
>>>>> followed the link and the second was to try to keep Bugzilla up to
>> date.
>>>>> If it is possible we should construct a query that excludes anything in
>>>>> Product = Build Tools for the Release Notes.
>>>> I think calling out the important stuff directly in the release notes
>> but
>>>> providing a Bugzilla link that shows everything, including tools, is a
>>>> reasonable compromise. However, I am very open to suggestions for
>> improving
>>>> the release notes.
>>> IMO yes, there should be a link to the bugzilla query, but it does not
>>> make sense to mention those build-related bugs individually.
>>> Regards
>> I agree there is no need to highlight those types of bugs individually.
>> I will remove the individual mention of them from the 4.1.3 Release Notes.
>> Keith
>> --
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